Learn Together Assembly 8th April: Junior Infants & 3rd Class

Apr 28, 2022

Thank you to junior infants and 3rd class for their Learn Together assembly on feelings and Ireland.

Junior Infants:

In Junior Infants we have been learning lots about feelings. We know that our feelings are not necessarily good are bad. Feelings are special messages. They tell us about how we are on the inside. In our assembly, we played a guessing game where all the boys and girls had to tell us which emotion we were showing. The feeling we have been really thinking about this month is happiness. We know one way to feel happy is to help others feel happy. We showed the postcards that we sent to our families to make them happy. We shared the pictures that we drew to show everyone what makes us happy. To spread more happiness we gave our pictures to classes around school. We danced the Dreoilín with Third Class and that made us happy too.

3rd Class:

Niamh’s third class presented different things that they learned about Ireland during the month of March. Some of the things they discussed were Irish culture, traditions, food, music and geography. They also practised a traditional Irish dance called ‘An Dreoilín’ which they danced with junior infants.