We celebrated Maths Week from the 17th to the 21st October. We had a wonderful week filled with fun and creative maths activities. Thank you to Lia & Clive for organising bingo and a raffle for all the classes from 1st class to 6th class. The children really enjoyed it and there was great excitement during the raffle especially when some children got the chance to spin the wheel to get a night off homework for everyone! Check out what some of our classes got up to for Maths Week below.
1st class had great fun playing bingo, Xs and Os and completing Usain Bolt racing & a maths trail.
We had great fun in Senior Infants for Maths week. We played lots of different maths games including Snakes and Ladders, Three in a Line, Sum Start (to help us to learn how to count and add), and we did some number formation activities including tracing numbers and making numbers from play dough. We also did some Maths Eyes puzzles and a hopscotch activity in the yard.
2nd Class really enjoyed bingo with 1st Class and playing lots of maths games for Maths Week. They played board games, cards, dice, the computers and even solved a Halloween mystery using maths to figure out the clues!
Niamh’s Third Class used their knowledge of shape during Maths Week to create Shape Monsters.